What are you most proud of in your career this year?

I was on the phone to a client yesterday and we were doing an interview preparation session. I asked her “What are you most proud of in your career?” and was greeted with silence and then a slight scoffing sound. (This is typical.) She said to me “I am not really one for boasting” and I said, “there’s never a better time to be proud of your achievements than at interview”.

It’s often when we are looking for a new job that we suddenly wrack our brains thinking of what we can put on our CV or say at the interview. However, it’s always a good time to look at your career and celebrate your achievements. I recommend that you do it frequently, or at the very least, keep track of them so that you can see your progress.

It’s important we celebrate all our successes

For some amongst you, there will be quiet murmurings of ‘I haven’t done anything with my career this year’ or ‘I have nothing to celebrate. I want to tell you a) there’s still time if you reaaaaally haven’t done anything with your career and b) it might be something that you would consider others to think of it as small. For example:

  • Taking the time to reflect on what’s important to you in your career
  • Applying for a new job
  • Updating your CV
  • Getting your LinkedIn profile up to date
  • Attending a course or CPD event
  • Summoning the courage to talk/present to a group of people
  • Seeking advice/support from a mentor or coach
  • Setting and managing your boundaries around work-life balance

There are so many more examples. I hope that you can see that it’s not just about the big career successes, though they are wonderful when they happen and for some of you there will be a standout event this year that you’re proud of, like a new job To which I say…Woohoo and well done. Keep doing what you’re doing!

I hope that the year ahead brings even more success for you all.


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