Would you say this to a friend?

career coaching charlotte ashley-roberts st neots 5 steps to investing in yourself

As I mull over the prospect of investing in yourself I wonder if you would say this to a friend: “you know, it’s a lot of money, are you sure you’re worth it? Would it not be better to spend the time/energy/money elsewhere, on someone else, you know, who’s more worthy than you?” Or what … Read more

Mums: it’s time to recognise your exponential potential

women returners maternity coaching your time to grow

So many mums I speak to can’t see their (exponential) potential when it comes to their skills and strengths. It’s not only mums though, some employers can’t see what mums (and dads for that matter) bring to the table. This was reaffirmed for me when Karthik Hariharan posted on LinkedIn to say his wife had been … Read more

Returning to work after maternity leave

returning to work after maternity leave your time to grow coaching blog

This month I am covering returning to work after a break. Today I am focusing on returning after maternity leave. It always amazes me how soon you need to start planning your return to work after your little one arrives. You think you have all the time in the world and suddenly your baby is … Read more