What Is Your North Star?

In the journey of self-mastery, there is a guiding light that directs our path, a beacon of purpose and direction that keeps us grounded amidst life’s turbulence. This guiding light is often referred to as our “North Star.” Much like sailors navigating the seas, having a clear point of focus helps us navigate the complexities … Read more

Being too much

In the final of this mini-series, I wanted to talk about the idea of being too much and how it stops us from shining brightly. My own experience of shining brightly was full of self-made barriers that came from a feeling of being too much. I remember a colleague once saying to me ‘you’re always … Read more

The transformative power of being seen

 Last week I wrote about showing up Vs showing off and there was so much more I wanted to write that I thought I might write a mini-series instead. This week I want to talk about the power and fear of being seen.  In a world filled with constant distractions and virtual interactions, the longing … Read more

Why Showing Up Is Not Showing Off

My inner voice whispered “You are not showing off, you are showing up” and it stopped me in my tracks. I had been giving myself a hard time for doing my ‘usual’ in an online workshop. So I usually volunteer my thoughts/ask questions/go first etc but sometimes, I worry that I am taking someone else’s … Read more