What is your leadership USP?

how to be the best leader you can be charlotte ashley-roberts leadership career coaching

I have been updating my website (more about that soon!). Although I intended to only update the copy on the site, the course I attended took me right back to basics. Something I didn’t realise I needed – not unlike the coaching process!  I had to look at my values, the reason I got into … Read more

How do you know if you are a leader?

I have been thinking about what leadership means recently. Triggered in part by a question I was asked: how do you know if you’re a leader?    What is leadership? Defining leadership is really hard because everyone has a different opinion on what leadership is and what makes a good leader. Do they have good … Read more

5 ways to cope as lockdown eases

easing lockdown coaching cambridgeshire

We are beginning to unlock and it’s a confusing time. I did a poll on LinkedIn this week to ask how folks are feeling as lockdown eases. 42% are feeling anxious, 44% are ready and 12% are not feeling ready at all.    It’s OK to feel anxious as lockdown eases I watched this morning … Read more

The benefits of journaling

how to get started journaling charlotte ashley-roberts coach cambridgeshire

Do you journal? I do. In fact, it’s my most effective tool for dealing with a busy mind, particularly in the middle of the night! So much I wanted to share the benefits of journaling. Last week I realised I was self-sabotaging myself on one of my goals. Once I’d realised it played on my … Read more

One simple reason you’re stuck in your goals

stuck goals coaching cambridgeshire compass

I was listening to a client the other day talking about her goals. She was setting SMART goals, making an action plan and yet she was feeling stuck. As I listened I pondered. Then it became clear what was going on. Let me share one simple reason you’re stuck in your goals. Every decision has … Read more