How to create value-driven goals

If you have followed me for a while you will have heard me talk about the importance of understanding your values. By which I mean, what’s important to you. Just in case you are new here, let me sum it up for you: without understanding your values you cannot make decisions from a place of … Read more

The power to influence people

One of the common things that come up in my coaching sessions is the belief that they (the coachee) have no influence as a leader. But I don’t believe this is true. Influence is a skill that can be learned. So we all have the power to influence people.   Influence is not about control So … Read more

Are you doubting yourself?

self-doubt women in leadership coaching

Anna sat across from me, tears streaming down her face as she described her new role as director of HR. “I am feeling so overwhelmed, I just don’t think I can do this” she said. At that moment, Anna was doubting herself and her capabilities. This is such a common situation so I wanted to … Read more

Challenging with compassion

I bet you have received feedback or had your thinking challenged at some point in your life. How did it make you feel? I’ve felt shame, defensiveness and fear through to feeling safe, love, and empathy. Some feedback has motivated me to do better and some that’s left me feeling despondent. I know which I … Read more