New Start: Find what you love

charlotte ashley-roberts personal coach cambridgeshire setting goals

Every year I do monthly challenges on a range of topics, all with the intention of making small, regular, positive changes. It takes, on average, 66 days to form a new habit and so by introducing these small steps and reflections over a month you will be halfway there. For many people, one of their new year goals is … Read more

New year’s resolutions

Here we are, the first week of the New Year and I am wondering how many of you are making a new start? For many of us the New Year involves making a list of all the things we want to do: losing that bit of extra weight, taking up a new hobby, stopping a … Read more

I just want presence

  This quote popped up on my Facebook feed this morning, reminding us to focus on presence rather than presents: The only gifts that matter to others are the simple ones, the human ones, those of kindness, appreciation, friendship and LOVE. Let us remember they want our true presence more than presents. – Brendon Buchard. … Read more

How a random act of kindness can boost your career

career coaching your time to grow

Have you ever benefited from someone being kind to you in your career? I have. From being given an opportunity when I had no experience to receiving a thank you card when someone has appreciated my support (even though they did all the hard work) I have been a recipient of kindness in the workplace … Read more

You will never regret being kind

I was brought up to believe that you should treat others as you wish to be treated yourself and whilst in my life this belief has been challenged, ultimately I stand by it. Since I became a parent I have found that being kind to others and demonstrating this to my children has become even … Read more