Why lockdown is the perfect time to plan your career

Many of us are in lockdown as we try and stop the Covid-19 virus from spreading. I’m seeing lots of stories of people getting those jobs done that they’ve been putting off. I have done it myself, sorting all the girls’ clothes out as they’ve grown; decluttering the office and tidying up the garden. We don’t just have house admin jobs though, many of us have a personal development list too – but no time to do it. So if you’re experiencing a lighter workload, you’ve been furloughed or your job is at risk then it’s definitely worth your time to spend an hour or so to plan your career. If like me, you are trying to juggle motherhood and your career, it’s still worth doing and you can do it in as little as fifteen minutes if you’re really focused! 

Why do you need a career plan?

I know that the reality of this situation is that it feels like we already have a million things to do, so why would anyone spend time planning their career? The simple answer is because it allows you to become more self-aware. Creating a career plan is a  allows you to think about your skills and interests, set career goals, and put actions in place that will help you reach those goals. Planning your career is a great way to ensure your career is going in the right direction and if you are looking for a new role, it will help you answer any career goal questions at your next interview. By assessing your situation, you’ll additionally be able to determine and fill any gaps in your knowledge or experience that might be holding you back from your dream job.

Career planning cycle


Career plan, review, action


There are five key stages of your career plan: 

  1. Where are you right now? Think about your strengths, what you enjoy, what’s important to you. Also, consider any gaps in your knowledge/experience. 
  2. Where do you want to be? Consider your short, medium and long term goals (6m, 12m, 3-5y)
  3. How will you get there? What is one thing that you can do now to take you one step closer? 
  4. Take that action! Break tasks down into the smallest steps so that you can make progress easily
  5. Review your progress on a timescale that works for you – quarterly, monthly, even weekly if you want to. 

Finally, remember to celebrate your successes! 

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