Focus on progress, not perfection

when your goals arent going to plan charlotte ashley-roberts coach cambridgeshire

I looked at my running stats, I was ten miles short of where I wanted to be that month. I spent hours working out if I could squeeze in a few more runs. Of course, I would be able to but it would mean sacrificing something else. In the back of my mind a question … Read more

Are you feeling exhausted from lockdown?

lockdown fatigue covid-19 charlotte ashley-roberts coaching cambridgeshire

Are you feeling exhausted from lockdown? You’re not alone. When lockdown began many of us put rainbows of hope in our windows. As I was chatting with my friend yesterday I observed that they were all looking a bit faded and we laughed that her Blu Tack had melted down the windowpane in the heat. … Read more

5 tips to maintain healthy boundaries (and not feel guilty)

5 reasons not to feel guilty about setting boundaries charlotte ashley-roberts personal coach cambridgeshire

Edit: I wrote this during lockdown, whilst I was ‘lockdown learning’ but have updated it for life generally! Does this sound familiar? It’s week 537558 of the summer holidays (read day 3) and I’m exhausted. I’m finding myself increasingly introverted and needing to be solitary and yet…I feel like that’s an impossible task. I feel … Read more

Shall we dance? A lesson in building trust

getting comfortable with being uncomfortable charlotte ashley-roberts personal coaching cambridgeshire

Every month I meet with a small group of coaches for our own development. This month’s topic was building trust. We each take a turn to be coached and to coach. This week I volunteered to be the coach. At the end of the session, they ask me and the coaches to provide a piece … Read more