Are you really listening to your customers?

women in business small business coaching development your time to grow listening

One of my areas of expertise is coaching women for business development; with a big part of that being to help you connect with your customers. As a business owner, you will spend a large proportion of your time trying to get people to buy your service or product. The quickest way to find out what … Read more

Being thankful in the darkest of situations

I am thinking about being thankful and the title of this blog post came to me, inspired by a Harry Potter quote: “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” – Dumbledore, The Prisoner of Azkaban (J.K. Rowling) In my newsletter this week I … Read more

Seven easy ways to be present

one of seven ways to be present your time to grow coaching

How often are you present? By which I mean actually focusing on one thing at a time, right here, now and in the present. Probably not as often as you would like would be my guess based on conversations with other women in my tribe. I, like many others, am juggling motherhood and self-employment; feeling like … Read more

5 strategies for breaking bad habits

career coaching your time to grow

We all have bad habits. Sometimes I procrastinate and leave my work until the last minute. Take this blog post, for example, I have had plenty of time to finish this…but it’s 7.30am on the morning it’s due and I want to get it done asap… but having had over an hour of uninterrupted silence … Read more