How to celebrate your successes

the importance of celebrating success charlotte ashley-roberts your time to grow business coaching

I am feeling grateful to have been asked to be ‘The Expert’ in my networking group Drive The Network. Each week one of the members’ features and answers questions from the rest of the group. When Ann asked me she also asked me to provide a topic and I thought for a few mins before … Read more

We all want to play the Victim sometimes

how to stop playing the victim coaching cambridgeshire

I shared last week about being a recovering Rescuer and it resonated with many of you. So much so, I thought I’d do a little mini-series on the roles in Karpman Drama Triangle…this week is playing the Victim. What is the victim role? When people choose to play the Victim, they get to have their … Read more

It’s OK to feel your feelings

I wanted to get this out there: it’s ok to feel your feelings. So often we put a brave face on or bury our feelings down so we don’t think about them… but they have a habit of bubbling back up to the surface. I can always tell when our eldest daughter is struggling with … Read more

What if I get it wrong?

what if you knew you couldn't make a mistake

“What if I get it wrong?” my client said to me. She wasn’t the first one to say this in a coaching session, I doubt she will be the last. It is a common fear that we all face from time to time. My normal counter to this is “so what if you get it … Read more

Are you a leader of change?

change management women leaders charlotte ashley-roberts

One of my favourite pictures of change is that one where the leader says “who wants change?” and everyone puts their hands up. Then the leader asks “who wants to change?” and everyone looks at the floor. Change is hard sometimes hard, especially when we don’t choose it but what if we change our perspective … Read more