The Career Circle Mastermind

You don't need to settle for an unfulfilling, unbalanced career

The Career Circle: For women who are ready to embrace the challenge, ditch the guilt and find balance




Have you ever felt...

...unable to talk to your friends and family because they have their own challenges and agendas?

...that you're unable to talk openly and honestly at work about how important your home life is to you? are juggling work-life balance, trying to do it all and wondering if there is another way?

Charlotte Ashley-Roberts you're worth it

What if I told you...

The most amazing thing happens when you decide to invest in yourself. You make a commitment to yourself.

When you decide you’re serious about your career goals you say to yourself and to those around you - I am worthy of this.

That's when the shift happens.

"When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending" - Brene Brown, Dare to Lead

What's included

Career Circle group coaching Your Time To Grow

What my lovely clients say

case study taking back control your time to grow coaching

"I have more belief in myself. I found that I am more capable than I gave myself credit for. I can do things I never thought I could because fear and lack of confidence stopped me. I have found "me" again; friends have noticed that I am back to my old self: fun, confident and strong"


Jenny Skuse testimonial personal coaching

After an amazing session with Charlie, I sat down to really think about what I achieved. I'm floored by what I did without really ever thinking it through. I had a vision of what I wanted and I worked until it became reality. I had so much love, support and help on the way, but largely, I did it by myself. I created something and in the process found out how capable I truly am."


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Charlotte is a reassuring, friendly, non-judgemental coach, providing careful and considered advice. In our session together, during a period of lockdown, Charlotte took the time to research what I do before we spoke and was able to coach me through the concerns I had by asking some deep, constructive questions that gave clarity and provided guidance on the next steps. I came away with the reassurance that she was there for future support if I needed her and a plan that I could, and have, implemented.
