5 tips for virtual interviews

The other day I was listening to a client telling me about her interview. It had gone well but she said she needed tips for dealing with virtual interviews. I asked her to be really specific, she sighed and said she felt different with it not being face to face. As we explored this she explained … Read more

How to build healthy self-soothing habits

Being your best self Charlotte Ashley-Roberts Coaching Cambridgeshire

I have been thinking about self-soothing. As I caught myself mid scroll as I wondered what on earth I was doing. I was barely even reading, just skimming over the text, looking, for what? I didn’t even know anymore. However, I knew it wasn’t good, I was searching for drama, something that I didn’t want … Read more

Are you feeling exhausted from lockdown?

lockdown fatigue covid-19 charlotte ashley-roberts coaching cambridgeshire

Are you feeling exhausted from lockdown? You’re not alone. When lockdown began many of us put rainbows of hope in our windows. As I was chatting with my friend yesterday I observed that they were all looking a bit faded and we laughed that her Blu Tack had melted down the windowpane in the heat. … Read more

Are you giving away your power?

how to take back your power coach charlotte ashley-roberts cambridgeshire

My daughter often speaks in absolutes. “You never do x” or “you always say no”. These statements are often uttered with the immortal words of “it’s not fair”. Today, she said she’d had the worst time at the park because she was hot, thirsty and she’d had no-one to play with. I was tired and … Read more

5 fears people have around changing career

career change coaching charlotte ashley-roberts career coach cambridgeshire

People have lots of fears around changing career. “I want to change careers but I just don’t know what to do” is a common phrase I hear in my coaching conversations. When people say this to me they could mean a variety of things including:  Not knowing how to research their options Being unsure of … Read more